Oedipus rehearsals day 13

Today we completed the staging for the entire piece. We saw Oedipus reach the real truth that has been haunting him since the beginning, we saw a curse revealed and we saw the men and women of Thebes crumble and be rebuilt by a new leader. After this the second half of the day was taken up with the first ever full run-through of the piece. This was also coupled with a work-in-progress presentation. A number of Lazarus Theatre associates came to watch the run and pass notes and opinions of the piece so far. This will help us, tomorrow, to get a clear view on what to improve on, keep the same, and what to add or take away. Although there is much that we need to improve on and hone, the run-through seemed to play out smoothly. This was definitely a good feeling for all at the end of the day. These next few days will be used to continue exploring where we can take the piece and also what we need to do to make it the best it can be.


Well well well, today saw the awaited ‘Work in Progress’, a ‘Show and Tell’ so that all of the creative team could see what we’ve all been up to these past few weeks!

After a morning spent going over the final scenes of the play the cast warmed up and went straight into giving a wee sneak peek of what the show will look like. It’s difficult to visualize the finished product but so exciting to see the characters emerging from page to stage!

Now this cake is ready to be iced, decorated and eaten with set, lights, sound and most importantly an audience as of next week!

Off for some shut eye (no pun intended) before another busy movement day!


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